Hello! In this post I will show, in a piece of code, how to execute commands in Docker containers in Groovy or Java. As a dependency, the GitHub library com.github.dockerjava https://github.com/docker-java/docker-java is used.

The code is not that complicated (for Java code), basically you have to enter the Docker URI, container name and a String[] variable with the command to be executed.

The part that may seem a little more laborious is the ResultCallback, basically divided into 3 parts, which would be the equivalent of std_out, std_err and a True or False return.

import com.github.dockerjava.api.DockerClient
import com.github.dockerjava.api.async.ResultCallback
import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.InspectContainerResponse
import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Frame
import com.github.dockerjava.core.DefaultDockerClientConfig
import com.github.dockerjava.core.DockerClientBuilder
import com.github.dockerjava.core.DockerClientConfig
import com.github.dockerjava.okhttp.OkDockerHttpClient
import com.github.dockerjava.transport.DockerHttpClient

String str_Docker_URI = 'tcp://';
String str_Container_Name = 'test_python';
String[] lst_Command = new String[]{"/bin/bash", "-c", "counter=0; until [ \$counter -gt 5 ]; do echo \$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'); ((counter++)); sleep 1; done"};

class ret_DockerCommand {
    Boolean flg_Print = false;
//    Boolean flg_Logger = false;
    StringBuilder std_out = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder std_err = new StringBuilder();
    Boolean std_complete = false;

    def obj_Callback = new ResultCallback.Adapter<Frame>() {
        void onNext(Frame object) {
            def str_tmp_result = new String(object.getPayload()).trim();
            if (flg_Print) { println(str_tmp_result) }
        void onError(Throwable throwable) {
            def str_tmp_result = new String(throwable as String).trim();
            if (flg_Print) { println(str_tmp_result) }
        void onComplete() {
    ret_DockerCommand() {
    ret_DockerCommand(Boolean Flag_Print) {

DockerClientConfig obj_dockerClientConfig = DefaultDockerClientConfig.createDefaultConfigBuilder()

DockerHttpClient obj_httpClient = new OkDockerHttpClient.Builder()

DockerClient obj_dockerClient = DockerClientBuilder.getInstance(obj_dockerClientConfig)

InspectContainerResponse obj_container = obj_dockerClient.inspectContainerCmd(str_Container_Name).exec();

try {
    final ret_DockerCommand obj_Output = new ret_DockerCommand(true);
    var obj_cmd_exec = obj_dockerClient
    var obj_Return = obj_dockerClient
catch (Exception obj_Exception) {
    println("Can't exec Docker command" + obj_Exception.toString());


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